I want to gather all the NICs and its IP address from facts. So I tried iterating to all interfaces, i.e
{% for nic in ansible_interfaces %}
{% set present_nic = ‘facter_ipaddress_%s’ | format( nic ) %}
{{ nic }} | {{ present_nic }} |
{% endfor %}
The present_nic variable turn into some form of string and won’t evaluate object anymore. 
I wanted to grab the value of 'facter_ipaddress_{{ nic }} key, but instead got a literal string.
NIC | IP | Netmask |
lo | facter_ipaddress_lo |
enp0s3 | facter_ipaddress_enp0s3 |
enp0s8 | facter_ipaddress_enp0s8 |
Is there a way to get around with this, without resorting to writing a custom facts/module?
I want to gather all the NICs and its IP address from facts. So I tried
iterating to all interfaces, i.e
{% for nic in ansible_interfaces %}
{% set present_nic = 'facter_ipaddress_%s' | format( nic ) %}
> {{ nic }} | {{ present_nic }} |
{% endfor %}
The present_nic variable turn into some form of string and won't evaluate
object anymore. 
I wanted to grab the value of 'facter_ipaddress_{{ nic }} key, but instead
got a literal string.
> *NIC* | *IP* | *Netmask* |
> lo | facter_ipaddress_lo |
> enp0s3 | facter_ipaddress_enp0s3 |
> enp0s8 | facter_ipaddress_enp0s8 |
Is there a way to get around with this, without resorting to writing a
custom facts/module?
{% for nic in ansible_interfaces %}
{{ nic }} | {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['facter_ipaddress_' + nic]
}} |
{% endfor %}