Windows update by ansible


I have one of goals to solve a problem by ansible.

My organization have thousands of WIN10 PCs. However, we have NOT updated WIN10 PCs to recent update.
We are asking people to do updating. However, we have already known that there are a lot of machines which have not been updated by an expensive client software.
If we use the tool to do update. The a lot of cost will be taken.

So, we found that windows have winRM tech. so, I wrote inventory.ini as follows;



#localhost ansible_connection=local
s12355 ansible_connection=winrm



I run as follows;

ansible test_servers -i inventory.ini -m ping

The result is as follows;

[WARNING]: Unhandled error in Python interpreter discovery for host s12345: ssl: auth method ssl requires a username
s12345 | UNREACHABLE! => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “ssl: auth method ssl requires a username”,
“unreachable”: true


I read a book;
The Linux use must be registered to Win10 Administrator.
According to the comment, I understood that condition.

Although the Linux machine will be registered, the windows PCs are in a domain. The domain system will ask to change password every 90 days.

The PCs are NOT server. So, we can not
How should I do to close the goal.

Kind Regard

Hi There,

You`re using the wrong module here.
ansible test_servers -i inventory.ini -m ping

The correct module : win_ping