I am using win_update to install updates using local WSUS server. However, I can’t seem to use win_update to upgrade windows 10 versions. ‘Upgrades’ category is unknown.
Appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
– ben
I am using win_update to install updates using local WSUS server. However, I can’t seem to use win_update to upgrade windows 10 versions. ‘Upgrades’ category is unknown.
Appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
– ben
I believe since Ansible 2.8 the ‘category_names’ option is a free form field and you can specify whatever you want. Since that change it should also be reporting all the updates that were filtered (not selected) and the category names that apply for that update which you can then use.
I upgraded Ansible and can now list ‘upgrades’ entries.
Hello. I am trying to upgrade some of my windows 10 boxes with ansible and it never seems to work. The play book runs for awhile then it is done but with no errors but does not actually upgrade the system. Could you share you working playbook to see what I am missing?
I also have my play book posted here - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/ansible-project/windows$20upgrades|sort:date/ansible-project/GhF7VndaQWU/_F9eVDaIBQAJ
my version of ANsible is ansible 2.9.10