When changed

Hi List,

I’d like to run this tidbit:

  • name: Patch | Patchen
    apt: update_cache=yes upgrade=dist
    notify: reboot machine
    register: patched

  • ubuntu_patch

  • name: Patch | Logging ophalen
    fetch: dest=/media/storage/logs/ fail_on_missing=no src=/var/log/apt/{{ item }}

  • term.log

  • history.log
    when: “patched is changed”

  • ubuntu_patch

This will return with:
TASK: [Patch | Logging ophalen] ***********************************************
fatal: [xmonopssla00] => error while evaluating conditional: patched is changed
fatal: [xmonopssla01] => error while evaluating conditional: patched is changed
fatal: [xmonopssla02] => error while evaluating conditional: patched is changed
fatal: [xmonopsdb] => error while evaluating conditional: patched is changed
fatal: [xmonopsview] => error while evaluating conditional: patched is changed
fatal: [xmonopsodw] => error while evaluating conditional: patched is changed

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

We are using:

mmaas@xmgtansible:~/playbooks$ ansible --version
ansible 1.4

Any idea’s what I’m doing wrong? :wink:

there’s no variable called changed, so it’s doing the wrong kind of test.

when: patched|changed # preferred


when: patched.changed # in some older versions of Ansible