Apt-get simulate command


I have spend a lot of time to find a solution at this issue.
I have a task :


  • name: check updated package (Debian)
    command: apt-get -s install {{ item.item }}
    register: updateD
    when: (ansible_os_family == “Debian”) and (installD is defined) and ( {{ item.rc }} == 0)
    with_items: “{{ installD.results }}”
    failed_when: updateD > 1
    changed_when: no

and Ansible reaction is :

[WARNING]: Consider using apt module rather than running apt-get

But I don’t find any option in documentation to obtain the result of “-s”.


Could you explain what you want to do ?
To not do things in ansible but simulate, there’s --check command line option




I have spend a lot of time to find a solution at this issue.
I have a task :

- name: check updated package (Debian)
  command: apt-get -s install {{ item.item }}
  register: updateD

The result of the command is registered in the variable updateD

  when: (ansible_os_family == "Debian") and (installD is defined) and ( {{
item.rc }} == 0)

You should not use {{ }} in when, they are implied.

  with_items: "{{ installD.results }}"
  failed_when: updateD > 1
  changed_when: no

and Ansible reaction is :

[WARNING]: Consider using apt module rather than running apt-get

But I don't find any option in documentation to obtain the result of "-s".

Since they are in the variable updateD you can print out all of them like this.

- debug: var=updateD

I want to check if a package need to be updated and write a log file. That why i use apt-get -s install, and I put the result with a register to use it later.

Thanks for watching my problem.


Thanks for the advice !