I am using AWX20.0.0
The procedure for restarting AWX during normal operation is as follows.
・Execute the “minikube stop” command to stop the three pods starting with “awx-demo~”, “awx-demo-postgres~”, and “awx-operator-controller-manager~”.
・Execute “minikube start”.
About a year after building it, I found out that the certificate had expired the other day, so I rebooted.
As a procedure
・Execute the “minikube stop” command
・Delete certificates under “/var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/lib/minikube/certs”
・Execute “minikube start”.
It was also confirmed that minikube started normally and a certificate with a new expiration date was created under “/var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/lib/minikube/certs”.
However, when I checked by running “minikube kubectl – get pods -A”, the above three pods that should normally start are not running.
( starting with “awx-demo~”, “awx-demo-postgres~”, and “awx-operator-controller-manager~”.)
I would like to know the following
・Does the pod disappear or become invisible just by deleting and recreating the certificate?
・Is there a way to check if the data on the pod remains?
What else do I need to check to recover?