What's-up with docker-py? Has anyone got ansible to docker working on Mac?

Hi all, I am new here…

I fell in love with Ansible to control docker, but after 2 months of time invested, I have very little to show for it, but really want to get this working.

I have a Mac, the “Controller”, and RPi’s - the TARGET host. I want to pull images, build images, start containers, etc with the Controller & Ansible. But, I ran into many problems, and I see many on this forum have asked for help - it seams is the mains culprit.

Both on Github - Ansible, and Docker, you can find many issues logged for where Ansible throughs errors when running docker modules to target. Most point back to that should be running on the Target host, some even say on the Controller. I tried all the options, I even rebuilt my Mac from the ground up. Many people report issues of versions between Ansible and docker-py mismatches. Some suggest they go it working by:

pip uninstall docker docker-py
pip install docker

I tried all the options, then logged a github issue with Ansible, 34851, they closed it, and linked to an open docker issue, that has been open since Dec 2016 ??? issue 1353.

Should I give up on trying to manage docker with Ansible?

Did anyone get Ansible to docker working on the Mac?