OSX (?) ansible docker module issue


On my OSX box, I’m unable to call the docker command from the docker module.

I tried to install docker both from homebrew, and then deinstall and install from pip.

Both times, I get this error:

failed: [docker2] => (item={‘subdomain’: ‘xxx’, ‘http’: 39003, ‘https’: 39005, ‘docker_image’: 'docker-registry.xxx.com/my-img’}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“docker_image”: “docker-registry.xxx.com/my-img”, “http”: 39003, “https”: 39005, “subdomain”: “xxx”}, “parsed”: false}
invalid output was: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/my-user/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1403557661.52-85899692189810/docker”, line 312, in
from docker.client import APIError as DockerAPIError
ImportError: No module named docker.client

Do you have any idea what is wrong with that?

Ansible version on my server maybe ?

Hi Laurent,

The Docker module requires the Docker python client. Run:

pip install docker-py

Oh indeed, (blush)

I added a pip step to my docker hosts setup.yml playbook,

Thanks !