Awhile ago we stopped generating this, because it’s basically just a git log TAG…TAG (which is pretty easy to generate yourself if you desire). This is also around the time we started working on a human-consumable changelog, which is probably a better way to determine what changed between releases (versus a several-thousand line log of commit messages).
Ansible 2.10 and 2.11 are very fundamentally different, and a lot about AWX is going to be changing in response to the break-out of content into collections.
Custom virtual environments will be getting removed, and instead, you will be able to supply a container image with the dependencies you need, as well as the collections you want.
When the corresponding AWX release comes out, we will be supporting Ansible 2.10 & 2.11, while at the same time containerizing job runs.
A work-in-progress is up right now at:
Expect more information about this soon. We’re going to be making a lot more noise about it.
But you can go ahead and start asking us questions now.