what does >- mean ?

there are some tasks like this in kargo project


  • name: Register docker images info
    raw: >-
    {{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images -q | xargs {{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker inspect -f “{{ ‘{{’ }} .RepoTags {{ ‘}}’ }},{{ ‘{{’ }} .RepoDigests {{ ‘}}’ }}”
    no_log: true
    register: docker_images_raw
    failed_when: false
    check_mode: no
    when: not download_always_pull|bool


there is a



i have no idea what does it mean
i know


in yaml can let user write a real single line to multiple lines.

‘>-’ is the same as ‘>’ but it omits the final newline. I.e. the last char of the corresponding block of text will be the actual last char of the last line, and not ‘\n’ as in case of ‘>’.