What do we do with our Community WG ping list?

@gotmax23 pointed out that our ping list for the community WG meeting is at community-topics/meeting at main · ansible-community/community-topics · GitHub, but that repo was archived to stop people creating more community-topics.

So where can we put this list so it’s editable/maintainable etc?

I would have voted to put it the community-team repo, but it looks like that has been archived as well: GitHub - ansible-community/community-team: For issues to be done by the Community Team that don't fall into a particular repository.

I hesitate to suggest creating a new repo, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a good place for this kind of thing.

Alternatively, are there pages here in the forum that we could use for this type of information?

How about creating a new post here on the forum and turn it into wiki post?

It’s a script and an editable list of names. We probably want @felixfontein @gotmax23 and @mariolenz opinions here are the ‘usual suspects’ who run community WG meetings.

My nickel is we could consider reopening GitHub - ansible-community/community-team: For issues to be done by the Community Team that don't fall into a particular repository as a new place for this, but it does seem overkill for one script and a text file…

It basically needs to be a place that can be edited at least by some folks, where edit requests can be sent by everyone (everyone being able to edit it would also be OK I guess), and which content can be retrieved programmatically. A GitHub repository is one solution (everyone can send editing requests via PRs), a wiki post in the forum another (everyone can directly edit it).

For a forum thread, you can use curl https://forum.ansible.com/t/8444.json | jq to find all posts (or at least the first 20), and if you have the post ID for one of them, say the one by @samccann above, which is 21226 (found out from the above command), you can use curl https://forum.ansible.com/posts/21226.json | jq to get its details:

  "id": 21226,
  "username": "samccann",
  "cooked": "<p>It’s a script and an editable list of names. We probably want <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/felixfontein\">@felixfontein</a> <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/gotmax23\">@gotmax23</a> and <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/mariolenz\">@mariolenz</a> opinions here are the ‘usual suspects’ who run community WG meetings.</p>\n<p>My nickel is we could consider reopening <a href=\"https://github.com/ansible-community/community-team\" class=\"inline-onebox\">GitHub - ansible-community/community-team: For issues to be done by the Community Team that don't fall into a particular repository</a> as a new place for this, but it does seem overkill for one script and a text file…</p>",
  "raw": "It's a script and an editable list of names. We probably want @felixfontein @gotmax23 and @mariolenz opinions here are the 'usual suspects' who run community WG meetings.\n\nMy nickel is we could consider reopening https://github.com/ansible-community/community-team as a new place for this, but it does seem overkill for one script and a text file...",

Adjusting the script to use this instead of reading the file from GitHub should be no problem. (We’d still need a place for the script though; a forum post is not a good place for storing a script…)

(The script could be part of antsibull, say as an antsibull-build subcommand, for example. Not the best place ever. Or it could live in the same place where the announcement generation scripts from community-topics/scripts at main · ansible-community/community-topics · GitHub now live… If they actually do live somewhere now? @mariolenz do you know?)

How about we create a new sc-scripts (name suggestions welcome) repository in the ansible-community repo? That seems simple enough.

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I forgot we have meetings/meetings at main · ansible-community/meetings · GitHub already for… meetings :slight_smile: Since this is a meetings script/txt file, seems like a good home for this.

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