wait_for and local_action comes back with an error about sudo

Hi List,

I’m trying to reboot a server from a playlist and then have the playlist wait for the server to come back before continuing with it’s next action.

So this is the playbook part:

  • hosts:

user: mark

sudo: true


hostname: servername01

sid: ABC2


  • name: Make /etc/hostname/ correct

action: lineinfile dest=/etc/hostname backup=true state=present regexp=^ line=‘$hostname’

  • name: Reboot

action: command /sbin/reboot

  • name: Wait for it to come back

local_action: wait_for host= port=22 delay=5 timeout=300

And this is the error it gives me:

sudo password:

PLAY [] *********************

GATHERING FACTS *********************

ok: []

TASK: [Make /etc/hostname/ correct] *********************

ok: [] => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “”}

TASK: [Reboot] *********************

changed: [] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: [“/sbin/reboot”], “delta”: “0:00:00.069021”, “end”: “2012-11-07 14:51:07.350678”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2012-11-07 14:51:07.281657”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “”}

TASK: [Wait for it to come back] *********************

fatal: [] => sudo with password is presently only supported on the ‘paramiko’ (SSH) and native ‘ssh’ connection types

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************* : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=1 failed=0

So I’m doing something wrong here. Any idea’s?


You're not doing anything wrong, but the local connection plugin
doesn't yet support sudo with a password:


Suggestion is to allow passwordless sudo or to patch the module.


Ah that’s why… Makes sense.

Can I make the assumption that a lot of you are just running ansible from the root user?


local_action is a corner case, and many of us *do* have sudo
configured to not require a password, or are not using local_action.

You may wish to do "delegate_to: localhost" instead.

I think for a while we didn't assume localhost was "-c local" but it's
a bit of a damned if we do, damned if we don't scenario -- you get
equal questions either way. (why do I need to be able to SSH into
myself, etc).

Not really,

I have encountered this issue also, I’m looking at how to solve this in a way that works for others and that makes sense to integrate into ansible.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think ansible is a beautifull tool in mijn toolkit. The quirks are more or less obvious and are easily solvable all from the main “ansible” server.

NOPASSWD is on it’s way. :wink:


@bcoca -- thanks -- I figure if you can get this figured out, we may
be able to support the --ask-sudo-pass for -c ssh as well.

Michael DeHaan wrote:

@bcoca -- thanks -- I figure if you can get this figured out, we may
be able to support the --ask-sudo-pass for -c ssh as well.

It is already supported. Regular passwords are what aren't.


Mark Maas wrote:

Hi List,

I'm trying to reboot a server from a playlist and then have the playlist
wait for the server to come back before continuing with it's next action.

So this is the playbook part:

- hosts:
  user: mark
  sudo: true
   hostname: servername01
   sid: ABC2
  - name: Make /etc/hostname/ correct
    action: lineinfile dest=/etc/hostname backup=true state=present
regexp=^ line='$hostname'
  - name: Reboot
    action: command /sbin/reboot
  - name: Wait for it to come back
    local_action: wait_for host= port=22 delay=5 timeout=300

What you want here is a
    sudo: False
to disable sudo for this task.


Not neccessarily, suppose you want to sudo.

Indeed, the only thing that seems to work with wait_for is to use NOPASSWD on ALL the servers which is a big no-no in my book.
NOPASSWD on the ansible server is one thing, but on all of them…

Is there another way I can do this without resorting to that?

mmaas@pmgtansible:~/playbooks/binck$ cat ./test.yml

Fix the local connection module to make it support taking the password.

Excellent, except you may not want my code :wink: Still learning simple lists and dictionaries. It’l be a while.

temporary workaround:

(versus local_action)

will almost definitely make it not use the local connection

Excellent! Thanks!