I’ve used ansible CLI for some time now, and have made use of the Vultr inventory plugin.
Now I’m getting started with AWX and I’m stuck on inventory. Is there a way to get the Vultr inventory plugin working with AWX? I’m struggling to find documentation on the subject, probably because I don’t know what I don’t know, and I’m not sure what to search for.
It seems like the playbook needs to be set up similarly to running Ansible from the CLI. Just like when using the CLI, I need an ansible.cfg in the root of my SCM project as follows–
[inventory] enable_plugins=vultr
And my inventory which is created in AWX looks as follows–
Would there be an easy way of hiding these keys from the base configs (eg in AWX, creating a vault credential for injecting in temporarily)?
I tend to avoid placing keys in repos, or have them generally viewable by users, but the way the vultr plugin wishes to accept configs is a pain, by not accepting a yaml config.
Just a small workflow-based question.
in linux_spinup.yml do you also use tower_* tasks to place the hosts back into AWX for further provisioning using other jobs?
Shame AWX doesn’t have a proper dynamic inventory for vultr or linode, like it does for AWS or Azure.
I’m not sure about the vultr.ini file as far as hiding the keys from base configs. There might be a different way of doing this. It’s possible you can use a vultr.yml instead, or put vultr.ini in ~/ instead of the project directory. The ansible docs vultr page might have more info on this, or you could browse the source of the vultr plugin to see if there is another way.
I just re-read the docs. Apparently there are four places this config can be stored.