I’ve been using ansible for awhile now and love it. I just installed AWX to try to let some of my junior admins access to ansible through AWX web interface. I’ve never used AWX previously as ansible has been easy for me. When I first moved one of my self-made ansible playbooks over to AWX directories, I ran into “venv” issues. I created a new venv via:
sudo virtualenv /var/lib/awx/venv/my-custom-venv
sudo /var/lib/awx/venv/my-custom-venv/bin/pip install python-memcached psutil
sudo /var/lib/awx/venv/my-custom-venv/bin/pip install pywinrm
Point my playbook (template in awx) to the newly created venv, run the template and it complains on ssh. It should know to look to group_vars which tell it to use winrm.
My normal working ansible config consists of:
my hosts are stored in /etc/ansible/hosts
my vars are located in /etc/ansible/group_vars/groupvarname
Playbooks run normally from ansible on the cli. SInce I’m not to familiar with AWX, I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I dont see anyplace obvious in AWX to point to a group var. Should I move or copy my group_vars to the venv?
Any help would be appreciated. I can include configs if needed.