vsphere_guest VM from template

Mark Phillips wrote:

I was looking at the new (to 1.6) vsphere_guest module - nice. I was
wondering if there were plans to roll in the ability to spin up a VM
from a /template/[1] in VSphere? I've been using pysphere a bit lately
to do just this, and it's pretty simple:


I've got a todo list of things I think need doing to the vsphere_guest module as issue #7349

This includes templating support. I think Richard Hoop is working on the templating. Otherwise I'll start mopping up several of those items when I get a chance (I tend to have time for this sort of work at the end of a week) - unless of course someone gets there first.

Would appreciate it if work on the module gets a note dropped on to the ticket so we don;t all implement the same wheel.


Ah, brilliant. Yes, I’m all for not doing the same work :wink: If Richard is on to it, I shall step back and let him work.

Thanks for updating us, gents.


any progress on this yet?

I’m wondering how specifying the vm’s os by any means: clone existing vm/template, supply vmdk or iso.


Pull requests on top of what’s already applied would be welcome?