Ansible: 1.9
pysphere: 1.7
I’ve been experimenting with the vsphere_guest module and am experiencing some problems with the ‘from_template’ parameter. I am using the “# Deploy a guest from a template” example from the docs. Immediately after executing the play, which matches the doc example, I get the following failed message:
“unsupported parameter for module: from_template.”
Also just for my own sanity, I confirmed ‘from_template’ is a param in my checkout out ansible/lib/ansible/modules/core/cloud/vmware/
. Anyone have any ideas?
Can you share your playbook?
Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Hello John-Paul,
You’ve not, by any chance, got more than one Ansible on your system have you?
A very valid question haha, but no I do not. I’ve tested it locally on my laptop, as well as an ansible control box I have in the same environment as my vsphere cluster.
Worth checking 
I’ve been using the template stuff since late December, and it’s working all fine. However, saying that, I’ve not tried a recent code base. Is your 1.9 pull really recent? I’ll try a bang up to date pull and see if I get the same…
OK, with an RPM built last weekend it still works just fine for me…
$ rpm -q ansible
$ ansible --version
ansible 1.9
configured module search path = None
$ ./scripts/newvm mptest.satapp
PLAY [vmcreate] ***************************************************************
TASK: [Check for required variables] ******************************************
skipping: [local]
TASK: [Check for vSphere access parameters] ***********************************
skipping: [local]
TASK: [Create VM from template] ***********************************************
changed: [local]
My play looks like:
It is indeed a very recent pull, I installed from source. Would you mind trying the same and giving it a go?
Regardless, thank you for the quick check, all signs point to my local install. I guess this gives me a great excuse to finally Ansible the bootstrapping of my control boxes themselves so I can figure this out!
Well, I went to roll the latest and greatest and there are some tests failing (I have the ‘make rpm’ rolled up in Jenkins) - so it doesn’t build.
Will check it again for you tomorrow John-Paul, in case something gets fixed today.
OK, ignored tests and rolled RPM from a pull in the last five minutes.
Still works fine for me 
Sorry John-Paul, must be something locally.
$ rpm -q ansible
$ !$ --version
ansible --version
ansible 1.9
configured module search path = None
Thank you Mark! I’m going to figure this out. Using a VM and re-installing, I think it was me being an oaf and not running source ./hacking/env-setup
post checkout…
Good thing is, I am not motivated to create a role for Ansible control boxes themselves, and I got to take a peek at your usage of vsphere_guest, which I think looks very nice and elegant (plus the tasks to check for extra params are something I have been wanting to add!).
Appreciate everyone’s time and the Ansible community as a whole.