Variable within the variable

Hello Group,

Requesting for any help and guidance on how I can able to use the variable within the variables.

I have the variable (fuser_dirname) that I’d usually used as the main variable in my playbook. However, I’d just need to have another variable with the list of the car name to make it as directory name.

This maybe similar to the bash script where I will cat the variable file then use the ‘for’ loop command.

Was wondering if anyone may have some idea on how to work this in just playbook module and script.

Below are the command, expected result, variable, and playbook files.


ansible-playbook /ansible_scripts/playbooks/testtemp/for_test_only.yml --limit fuser_hostname


fuserATawscar001:/apps> ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 3 fuser fuser 33 May 30 08:40 honda-sample-dir/
drwxr-xr-x 3 fuser fuser 33 May 30 08:40 tesla-sample-dir/
drwxr-xr-x 3 fuser fuser 33 May 30 08:40 tesla-sample-dir/

Variable File


  • honda
  • toyota
  • tesla

Playbook File

  • name: Create and copy folder
    hosts: all
    become_user: fuser


  • /ansible_scripts/vars/vars_carmodel_file.yml

fuser_dirname: (( fuser_folder ))-sample-dir


  • name: create
    path: “/home/mule/{{ fuser_dirname }}”
    mode: 0755
    state: directory

  • name: copy
    src: “/home/fuser/{{ fuser_dirname }}/”
    dest: “/apps/{{ fuser_dirname }}”

Any help and guidance are much appreciated.

Thank you so much in advance.

You need to make your fuser_dirname variable change as you loop over your car models.
Then you need to make your tasks loop over the car models.

- name: Create and copy folder
  hosts: all
  become_user: fuser

    - /ansible_scripts/vars/vars_carmodel_file.yml

    fuser_dirname: "**{{ item }}-sample-dir**"

    - name: Create sample directories in /home/mule
        path: "/home/mule/{{ fuser_dirname }}"
        mode: "0755"
        state: directory
      **loop: "{{ car_dirname }}"**

    - name: Copy /home/fuser directories to /apps
        src: "/home/fuser/{{ fuser_dirname }}/"
        dest: "/apps/{{ fuser_dirname }}"
      **loop: "{{ car_dirname }}"**

But there’s lots of other questionable stuff going on here. The first task is working in the target hosts /home/mule directory, but the second task is copying directories from the ansible controller’s /home/fuser tree to the target hosts without specifying group, owner, or mode.

Anyway, this is one answer to how to deal with the looping. You’ll need to work out these other details, though, before you have a useful process.

Also, use ansible-lint on your code.

Thank you so much Todd. I will try and test your suggestion.