Hi all,
According to the documentation it should be possible to install multiple windows features at once by comma separating them using the win_feature module:
$ ansible -i hosts -m win_feature -a “name=Web-Server,Web-Common-Http” all
Initially it fails with:
SERVER2008R2 | FAILED >> {
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘IncludeManagementTools’.”
Ok, so Dimitri found this is fixed in the latest devel, so lets patch with the latest: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/blob/devel/windows/win_feature.ps1
Now we get:
SERVER2008R2 | FAILED >> {
“changed”: false,
“exitcode”: “InvalidArgs”,
“failed”: true,
“feature_result”: ,
“msg”: “Failed to add feature”,
“restart_needed”: false,
“success”: false
I can install each windows feature individually with this module, but put them in a comma separated list (as indicated by the documentation) and it fails.
Is this the ability to install multiple windows features at once a documentation error, or there a bug here?