Using win_feature to add multiple features does not appear to work

Hi all,

According to the documentation it should be possible to install multiple windows features at once by comma separating them using the win_feature module:
$ ansible -i hosts -m win_feature -a “name=Web-Server,Web-Common-Http” all

Initially it fails with:

SERVER2008R2 | FAILED >> {

“failed”: true,
“msg”: “A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘IncludeManagementTools’.”

Ok, so Dimitri found this is fixed in the latest devel, so lets patch with the latest:

Now we get:

SERVER2008R2 | FAILED >> {
“changed”: false,
“exitcode”: “InvalidArgs”,
“failed”: true,
“feature_result”: ,
“msg”: “Failed to add feature”,
“restart_needed”: false,
“success”: false

I can install each windows feature individually with this module, but put them in a comma separated list (as indicated by the documentation) and it fails.
Is this the ability to install multiple windows features at once a documentation error, or there a bug here?


On inspection, and assuming the documentation is correct, this is a bug:
submitted PR 974 to ansible-modules-core