Using the service module to handle uncooperative services

Hello everyone,

I have made some changes to the service module to daemonize for all the
broken daemons out there. So if you have previously had services that you
were unable to start with it, making ansible seemingly hang indefinitely,
please give this a try and see if things now work as expected. Please let us
know either way!


Hi Daniel,

I just upgraded to using Ansible branch release1.0 from 0.9 and ran into a problem with the service module on a Fedora 15 system. When I change “daemonize=True” to “daemonize=False” in LinuxService.service_control() the module works for my use case again as it was before the upgrade.

More specifically, it seems that the stdout from the command (“/sbin/service fooservice status”) is being lost when daemonized. With daemonize=True, this function returns (1, “”, “”) and with daemonize=False it returns (1, “fooservice is not running.\n”, “”).



This is now fixed in devel. Daniel, bcoca, and I worked on it this morning.

  • Mark

Works for me, thanks!
