Is there any general way to support SCL with Ansible?
Or even a specific way to force the pip module to work with it?
I’m trying to decide whether Ansible has enough advantage over shell scripts for deploying this particular application.
Depends on what you’re trying to do. If any of these are true then doing this with ansible might make sense:
A) already have an ansible infrastructure and want to deploy something the same way as the rest of your infra
B) need to deploy this on multiple remote systems
If the following is true then it might not:
A) you just have this single app to deploy to a single host.
I think I’d probably use the script module to use scls at this point in time. Which allows you to integrate a script that you write with ansible. But if you don’t need the other features of ansible then you could just add a little bit of extra smarts to your script instead.
Someone could write an scl module in the future (similar to the virtual env module) which would make things like you want to do more natural but there isn’t one at the moment.