I have plenty of ansible scripts installing SW on VMs.
I would like to try to containerize my VMs.
I found the role chrismeyersfsu/provision_docker which first looked suitable.
My applications are running on ubuntu 16.04 and I can’t find any example how to use chrismeyers role together with ubuntu:xenial.
I can specify the image ubuntu:xenial but I do not know how to pre load this image with python 2.7 (requirement for ansible).
Creating the docker containers manually I would create a Dockerfile defining the pre installed SW.
My playbooks looks like this:
- name: Install dockers
hosts: localhost
inventory: - name: “consul-server”
image: “ubuntu:xenial”
- role: provision_docker
provision_docker_inventory: “{{inventory}}”
provision_docker_use_docker_connection: true
name: Group consul
hostname: “{{item}}”
groups: consul
with_items: -
tags: provision_docker -
name: Test Install base role
hosts: consul
- { role: base, tags: base }
This playbook fails due to missing python installation:
TASK [Build hosts file] ********************************************************
fatal: [consul-server]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “module_stderr”: “/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\n”, “module_stdout”: “”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE”}
There are Dockerfiles for ubuntu 12 and 14 in files directory of the role which seems to add python to a standard image but I do not understand how and if they are used.
I have tried to update the ubuntu 14 Dockerfile with ubuntu 16 details but that had no affect.
Does anyone know if it is possible to use chrismeyersfsu/provision_docker role with ubuntu 16.04?
If so, how?