using become in one tasks of a role


In my playbook I am using become for one tasks only, i.e.:


  • name: Create ECP Virtual Directory
    identity: ‘{{ ansible_hostname }}\ecp ({{ site }})’
    path: ‘{{ folder }}\ecp’
    state: present
    role: ClientAccess
    AdfsAuthentication: true
    BasicAuthentication: false
    DigestAuthentication: false
    FormsAuthentication: false
    WindowsAuthentication: false
    AdminEnabled: false
    InternalUrl: null
    ExternalUrl: null
    ansible_become: yes
    ansible_become_method: runas
    ansible_become_user: "{{ exchange_admin_user }}

The playbook is used to configure MS Exchange and become is used to get rid of double hop authentication issue.
When I using it with Ansible, I log on ansible host, receive kerberos ticket for my account and run ansible-playbook with --ask-become-pass.
What is the best way to implement the same scenario in AWX? i.e. I have machine credentials which I associate with Job template and AWX/Ansible will use them to receive kerberos ticket, connect to Windows nodes and run most of the tasks. But how can I provide the credentials for this task which uses become within AWX? If I specify parameters of Privilege Escalation Method for machine credentials will the be applied for the all tasks or just this one which explicitly uses become ?

I want to avoid using Ansible valult in this case.

Thank you.