Using Ansible via a bastion host

I’ve encountered a couple of modules where target hosts that are accessed an intermediate host don’t seem to work in a naive way. I’m wondering if this is a known issue and whether there are any workarounds. The latest version concerns the apt module. Here’s a snippet from my inventory file:

target_host ansible_host=localhost:4321 ansible_user=user host_key_checking=false

A simple stanza is:

- name: Remove CA certificate bundle


- oneoff


name: ca-certificates

state: absent

When I run this playbook, I get this error:

TASK [upgrade : Remove CA certificate bundle] ***********************************************************************************************************************************

**fatal: [target_host]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host \"localhost:4321\". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh", "unreachable": true}**

The module rsync has similar issues. Any thoughts on how to work around this, other than just using shell?


ignore the apt example. Running it to remove ca-certificates from Raspian ripped out the packages that sustained the tunnel!

however, the error does still occur with the rsync module.

ignore the `apt` example. Running it to remove ca-certificates from Raspian
ripped out the packages that sustained the tunnel!

however, the error does still occur with the `rsync` module.

The synchronize module does not work with complicated connection setups, from my experience.

James Cassell