I’m using Ansible to bake Windows AMIs in AWS. It works well.
This involves running & "c:\program files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\ec2config.exe" -sysprep as the last step. This will sysprep the box and then shut it down so that one can aws ec2 create-image on it.
Trouble is, because it shuts the box down, winrm goes with it.
I was thinking about how I might do this, and so far the best I’ve come up with is to schedule a task for a few seconds from now that will run that command. Ansible ought to get a good response from winrm and return ok.
Before I do that, can anyone think of something better, or has anyone done this already?
You probably want to do a “fire and forget” async task on the system, and then use the wait_for module to determine when the system was done shutting down.