Running local play with winrm config


I am having issues trying to create a play that will setup a Windows EC2 instance and then install software once it is up. For linux instances I do the following to create a new instance on the localhost and then run the other roles on the new instance once it is ready.


I think you should set up your inventory in a manner similar to what is described in the windows introduction.

put the windows-specific connection vars into a group and then when you want to do things to a windows host, use the windows group name for the hosts: line in your play.

By doing


  • group_vars/tag_Application_alfred-linux.yml
  • group_vars/tag_Environment_dev.yml

you are forcing the vars in the group_vars folder to apply to all hosts.

Hope this helps,


Thanks for the suggestion, the trouble I am having is that I want to create the instance from ec2 and all my hosts are gotten dynamically. Are you suggesting I split up my config so the aws variables are in one file and then my tagged application details are in another which contains the connection details. Is there a better way to do it as I feel like maintaining multiple config files can get difficult as it grows in the future.



Sounds like my ansible setup is rather different from yours, but I have wound up with a handful of config files for each environment - ones that configure connections to hosts I always keep separate from ‘business’ type vars.

I don’t know if using the add_host module might help you to create a bunch of windows hosts, then add them to a windows group so they get the right vars when you try to connect to them.

Hope this helps
