user parameter is not evaluated, failing the ssh

I tripped on the following, non consistent problem:

I have a playbook which start like:


  • name: Clean Data Scylla
    hosts: “Scylla”
    user: “{{scylla_login}}”


scylla_login is defined in a different file, and for most playbook users this works fine, for other, ssh failed.
When looking into /var/log/secure of the target server, I found:

Invalid user {{scylla_login}}


Look like the var was not evaluated!
Could this be related to ansible/python/os versio?

Answering my own question, in case some else have similar issue.

scylla_login is defined in inventories/ec2/group_vars/all.yaml

Although I used
ansible-playbook -i inventories/ec2/ playbook.yaml


The static file was not evaluated, similar to

I bypass the issue with

ansible-playbook -i inventories/ec2/ -e “@inventories/ec2/group_vars/all.yaml” playbook.yaml


It would have been nice if the original have failed, rather than sending the string, including “{{ }}” as a log in.