Hi guys, don’t kill me. new-ish, to Ansible. I’ve already searched and tried the irc room, no luck so far.
Trying to run Asgard playbook from https://github.com/Answers4AWS/netflixoss-ansible. I’ve already gotten ICE working on my own account, but on this one trying to set it up on a cross-account IAM role (my user creating the EC2 on another account over the CLI after assuming a role that gives me the permission to do so!)
I’ve assumed the role from the aws CLI, but running the ec2 inventory script (/etc/ansible/hosts) still shows my account’s ec2 servers, not the assumed role.
Is what I’m trying to do supported? I want to run the playbook on “tag_Name_Asgard” but on a box on the assumed role.
This is the closet topic I’ve found: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/9647
- but seems to be talking about the role on an EC2 machine if you’re running the inventory from that, so not the same I don’t think.
It does mention needing boto 2.5.0 > , I do see that I’m at 2.36.0, but it won’t let me upgrade further with pip (python 2.7.5 + centos7)