Hi Anthony,
I am trying to create custom fact like below. But setup module during playbook execution gets hung.
What I am missing here. Please help.
I have attached Screenshort below.
The task “Gather custom facts” gets hunged and not moving forward.
(Jerin J)
November 12, 2020, 3:21pm
May be its looking for Ansible facts path … can you configure fact_path = C:\temp in ansible.cfg ?
Hi Jerin,
I tried and when we do that change in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg the first ever default gather facts gets affected and end up with error.
I have also tried with ad-hoc command
ansible host group -m setup -a “fact_path=c://Development” it gets hunged.
Any help would be appreciated.
(Jerin J)
November 12, 2020, 3:48pm
Hi Anitha ,
Its just a hung up or you getting any error ? If you getting error can you attach the same … remove facts path in your play and just add it in ansible.cfg
Can anyone help with this? How to make setup gets run again in the middle after defining fact_path.
My managed node is a windows server.
Anitha Sreejith