Use flowdock plugin as handler, notify handler to send {{ message }}

So what I am trying to do is register variable after change has been made and notify flowdock handler to send {{ message }}. As I am really amateur but trying hard :slight_smile: . Any hints in that direciton?

What do you have so far? Maybe we can move you further along by seeing an example playbook or some pseudo code.

Hi, I have complete playbook for setting up jenkins (not so complicated really), and here is a snippet where I want to register some VAR (for example what was installed).

  • name: Install/update plugins
    action: command java -jar {{ jenkins.cli_dest }} -s http://localhost:8080 install-plugin {{ item }}
    when: plugins_installed.changed and plugins_installed.stdout.find(‘{{ item }}’) == -1
    with_items: plugins
    register: message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this is not correct I know. I know I have to understand logic behing Ansible little better.


  • ‘Restart Jenkins’
  • ‘flowdock’

And handler is flowdock send message to inbox.

For example here is one ansible task that is changed:

TASK: [jenkins | Install/update plugins] **************************************
changed: [jenkins] => (item=greenballs)

I want to register that item/items as variable and at the end send all vars to flowdock or whatever.
