Use custom "ssh" command ?


I would like my Ansible to use "autossh" command instead of "ssh" to
connect to hosts in inventory.

Is there a way to do this ?

Thank you.

Hi Florent,

I don’t have tried this but you can try, ssh command has been defined in site-packages/ansible/runner/connection_plugins/

ssh_cmd += ["ssh", "-C"]

If autossh accept the same argument as ssh then it will work.

Best Regards,
Rahul Patil


Thank you, I saw that “ssh” was written in source without having ability configuring it.

I saw I could set a “retries” option in ansible.cfg, that’s a cleaner solution than changing source. I will see…

Do you know in which contexts are executed python commands like this ssh one ? This is to determine if I could use the “alias” in Bash for example…