Use ansible to get all the servers with specific package

Is there way to find out all the servers that has specific package installed either via ansible command line or awx/tower similar to puppet pql query?

- name: Gather the package facts
    manager: auto

- name: Print the package facts
    var: ansible_facts.packages

- name: Check whether a package called foobar is installed
    msg: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['foobar'] | length }} versions of foobar are installed!"
  when: "'foobar' in ansible_facts.packages"
This module of package_facts can help you I guess

Yes. Use ansible.builtin.package_facts. As a hints, e.g. search Apache
2.4.27 at srv1 and srv2

  - hosts: srv1,srv2
      my_pkg: apache24
      my_ver: 2.4.27
      - package_facts:
      - set_fact:
          my_pkgs: "{{ ansible_facts.packages|dict2items|
                       selectattr('key', 'eq', my_pkg)|
                       flatten }}"


ok: [srv1] =>
  - arch: i386
    automatic: false
    category: www
    installed: '1501582995'
    name: apache24
    origin: unknown-repository
    port_epoch: 0
    prefix: /usr/local
    revision: '0'
    source: pkg
    version: 2.4.27
    vital: false
ok: [srv2] =>
  - arch: amd64
    automatic: false
    category: www
    installed: '1574925090'
    name: apache24
    origin: FreeBSD
    port_epoch: 0
    prefix: /usr/local
    revision: '0'
    source: pkg
    version: 2.4.41
    vital: false

Select the version and set the variable *mypkg_installed*

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ my_pkg }} {{ my_ver }} is installed."
      when: my_pkgs|selectattr('version', 'eq', my_ver)|
            list>length > 0
    - set_fact:
        mypkg_installed: "{{ my_pkgs|selectattr('version', 'eq',
      my_ver)| list|length > 0 }}"


  ok: [srv1] =>
    msg: apache24 2.4.27 is installed.
  skipping: [srv2]

Put the results into the dictionary *mypkg_hosts*

    - set_fact:
        mypkg_hosts: "{{ dict(ansible_play_hosts_all|zip(_mypkg)) }}"
        _mypkg: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all|
                    map('extract', hostvars, 'mypkg_installed')|
                    list }}"
      run_once: true


    srv1: true
    srv2: false