Hi Friends,
Is there any better way to find if a list of packes is installed or not on a linux machine. It needs to return something may be a single variable to decide if all packages are installed or any one of them missed.
Assuming i need to check if below packages are installed or not and it should return true if all the listed packages are installed and false if anything is missed.
- name: Check if packages are installed
command: rpm -q {{ item }}
- kernel
- perf
- perl
- python
Hello Kiran
As I understand it, the way Ansible is intended to be used, you should not need this ?
If you write a task specifying packageX , and specify a state of installed/uninstalled/latest then that state is enforced… no prior need to check.
If you want then to perform an action only if a package is present, it begs the question as to why you do not know already - since you are using Ansible to maintain the server in a known state ?
Could you describe what it is you are trying to enable by doing a package check ?
Hi Tai Kedzierski ,
Thanks for your reply. Am intending only to validate if packages are installed or not and am not installing any packages as part of other task.
Am building a validation playbook that would check few things and packages is one of them.
You'd probably get what you want from an Ansible dummy run then, just
pass '--check' to ansible-playbook.
I just figured it out. If a package is not installed it would return fail and if all packages are installed it would return pass
pkg: '0'
- name: Check if packages are installed
command: rpm -q {{ item }}
- kernel
- perf
register: rpm_check
failed_when: rpm_check.rc > 1
- set_fact: pkg=1
when: item.rc == 1
with_items: "{{ rpm_check.results }}"
failed_when: pkg != '1'
- set_fact: pkg_test=fail
when: pkg == '1'
- set_fact: pkg_test=pass
when: pkg == '0'
- debug: var=pkg_test