usage of loop (with_items), register and debug

Hello, checking if anyone have any insight or pointing me to a solution, about using loops with register and debug:
I’m looking for
a) just debug msg output whenever the mountpoint on remote server is not configured.
b) lesser debug output whenever the mountpoint is not configured, as currently with_items: ‘{{ mount_stat.results }}’ is spitting all the output from the command when the mountpoint is not configured

Not sure

— #

  • name : test
    hosts: lab1
    any_errors_fatal: true
    gather_facts: false
    ignore_errors: true


  • name: check mount point {{ item }}
    tags: art
    command: “mountpoint {{ item }}”

  • /opt/mqmm

  • /var/mqm

  • /var/mqm/errors

  • /var/mqm/logs

  • /var/mqm/trace
    register: mount_stat

  • debug:
    msg: ‘The command ({{ item.cmd }}) did not have a 0 return code’
    when: item.rc != 0
    with_items: ‘{{ mount_stat.results }}’

Here is the example from ansible docs, but i’m not able to get that converted/translated to my requirement
— #

  • name :test
    hosts: lab1
    gather_facts: false
    ignore_errors: true


  • shell: “echo {{ item }}”

  • “one”

  • “two”
    register: echo

  • debug:
    msg: ‘The command ({{ item.cmd }}) did not have a 0 return code’
    when: item.rc == 0
    with_items: ‘{{ echo.results }}’

I think I have figured it out after googling:

debug: var=item.stderr
when: item.rc != 0
with_items: “{{ mount_stat.results }}”