Upgrading to Ansible 2 break EC2 inventory groups augmentation

I have a working play book in Ansible 1.9
As part of it, I’m defining extra groups in file inventories/ec2/hosts, for example:




In Ansible 1.9, I used this group as follow:

  1. run the playbook with -i inventories/ec2/ prefix

  2. use the group as follow:


  • debug: msg=“{{ hostvars[item].ec2_private_ip_address }}”
    with_items: groups.us_west_2


ec2.py did not change, and still return


“us-west-2”: [


Look like Ansible 2 does not use the groups defined in inventories/ec2/hosts.
Is it bug or a feature?
any idea how to bypass this issue?


Still struggling with this issue
Any lead will be appreciated


As part of it, I'm defining extra groups in file inventories/ec2/hosts,
for example:

Is there a typo? Or are you using the group name as child element for
another group? us-west-2 vs. us_west_2

Look like Ansible 2 does not use the groups defined in

What are the exact error messages? Maybe include some more debug tasks
to output the values.

You had a debug task in your mail, what was the output and was did you
expect to get?


Hi Johannes
Thanks for the response

As far as I can tell the difference between Ansible 1.9 and 2.0 is the


Although the value of {{region_group}} was us_west_2, using a variable as
an attribute of groups stopped working on Ansible 2
Does this issue ring any bells?

If this worked in 1.9 and does no longer in 2.0, I would say try to
test it in 2.1, as there have been lots of fixes for regressions
AFAIK. If it still does not work, create a bug report aka issue on github.
