Ansible also trying to reach the groupname as a host

This has never happened to me, is this all you have in your inventory file?

I am not sure I understand the second question...

This has never happened to me, is this all you have in your inventory file?

I don’t really know what happened, but I think I got the names of my groups mixed up. I’ve since cleaned up my /etc/ansible/hosts file a bit and it has not happened anymore.

I am not sure I understand the second question…

Well consider this:

cat /etc/ansible/hosts

Make that


and use ‘world’ as the groupname.


Ah, so the keyword “:children” tells ansible that this is a group made out of groups? (Which also explains why ansible would also start trying “north” and “south” as if they where hostnames…)

Yes, that’s correct. You can also nest this and make groups of groups of groups, etc.


Excellent, thanks!