Updateing a password in Grub.conf file using Ansible and Replace

So I wrote a short playbook to update our VMs to update the /boot/grub/grub.conf file to use a new hashed password but the playbook comes back green with no changes. Not sure what I am doing wrong, any help is appreciated.

Hard to say without knowing how the current hash looks like, but if the hash contain any regexp special character they need to be escaped.
List of them you'll find here

Yes the hash starts with a $ and includes / as well. I dont follow what you mean by escaping them.

Here is an example hash. So how would I have it read that as one character string and swap it with the new hash


Yes the hash starts with a $ and includes / as well. I dont follow what you
mean by escaping them.

Escaping is also documented here

But it's a back slash (\) in front of a regexp special character so you can match on them.

Here is an example hash. So how would I have it read that as one character
string and swap it with the new hash


Here you should escape $ and . like so.
