I've upgraded to Ansible 1.7.2-1 (using Arch linux) last week and I've noticed that variables from the vault are not being recognized anymore. Tried to recreate this on several machines with the same version of Ansible, it fails on all of them.
I'm using a template file for uwsgi that also holds some environment variables, for example:
env = VAR_1={{ VAR[branch].id1 }}
In the vault I have:
id1: 1234
id1: 9999
id1: 1111
I run the playbook with --ask-vault-pass and when it gets to the task that copies my uwsgi template file to the server I get the following:
TASK: [test | Copying uwsgi configuration file...] **************
fatal: [x.x.x.x] => {'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'VAR' is undefined", 'failed': True}
Worked perfectly fine a week ago when I ran the same playbook with the same configuration, the vault hasn't been modified either.
I'm also using an ad-hoc group created with add_hosts, but that shouldn't be an issue here as far as I can see.
Anything more I can do to troubleshoot? Did anyone came across a similar issue lately?