please, I have a question to community, because I really do not know what to do anymore with this issue, I tried everything and I Googled all sites, but I didn´t find what I´m looking for… When I manually set into “LDAP TEAM MAP” name of group and who is member etc… Its work great, all member of group in AD are in group what I say… My question is, is possible to set name of group and all other param automaticly by LDAP? I mean:
I have in AD for example 3 groups (First team,second team,third team) all of these have OU=teams and OU=Groups in AD param too. So if you print memberOf user been member of these group. And what I want is say to AWX take these groups (teams) from AD and create from that team map structure. Organization be same for all teams but name of teams and users been different (like in AD).
Thank for your help!