Hi everyone,
I am trying to run ./setup.sh using only remote host but I am getting this error:
TASK [config_dynamic : Ensure user is root] **************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “UID on remote machine is 1000 (0 required). Check Ansible connection and become settings.”}
Please find below the inventory file that I am using. I am using the root user of this machine to connect and also when ansible tries to connect to my host, everything is OK.
TASK [config_dynamic : Ensure connectivity to hosts and gather facts] ************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
It looks like maybe your user isn’t a root user, but is capable of becoming root (i.e. sudo). If that’s the case then you want to invoke setup.sh using something like this:
ANSIBLE_BECOME=true ./setup.sh
Alternatively you can convey the become in your inventory file, instead of via an env var.
Hi Chris,
Thank you very much for your immediate reply.
Well, I tried both solutions you suggested but now I am not even able to connect to host.
Firstly, I added I run the setup like this: ANSIBLE_BECOME=true ./setup.sh.
Also, I added ansible_become=true on the inventory file.
For both cases I received the error below:
TASK [config_dynamic : Ensure connectivity to hosts and gather facts] ************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “module_stderr”: “Shared connection to closed.\r\n”, “module_stdout”: “sudo: a password is required\r\n”, “msg”: “MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error”, “rc”: 1}
Ok, sounds like your user is a added to the root group then; while the install playbook assumes you would be installing as THE root user (uid=0). I would recommend commenting out that preflight check. Ideally, we would make sure the user is in either uid=0 or gid=0.
Could you please explain in more detail how to comment out this check?
I searched in install.yml for this step (TASK [config_dynamic : Ensure user is root) but I cannot find it.
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