Hello, I’m using ansible 2.9 to install Docker on a remote RedHat, create a docker credential store with pass and pull several images from private docker registries.
After the run of my playbook installing docker, docker credential store, etc. I remove the config.json of the .docker directory so it will re-initialize during the next docker login.
After this I use following ansible task to make a docker login:
- name: Logon
registry: my-private-registry.on.my.internal.site
username: myaccount
password: “{{passwordvar}}”
become: yes
This fails because it generates plain text content in my config.json.
{ "auths": { "my-private-registroy.on.my.internal.site": { "auth": "U9ZjQWNjdC10cmF4LAJuZC1jaTpBKzVyWFYwSF8tNnEqcTkf", "email": null } } }
When I remove manually the config.json file and use the docker login command on the server itself, I get what I wanted.
{ "auths": { "my-private-registroy.on.my.internal.site": {} }, "HttpHeaders": { "User-Agent": "Docker-Client/19.03.6 (linux)" }, "credsStore": "pass" }
Why is it not working with my ansible task?