docker_login and GCR

is anyone using docker_login with Google Cloud Registry?

I am attempting to do so by defining variable for auth token:

gcloud_token_file: gcp_sa_account.json
gcloud_token: “{{ lookup(‘file’, gcloud_token_file) }}”


and then trying to login:

docker_login: username=“_json_key” password=“{{ gcloud_token | to_json | quote }}” email=“{{ docker_auth_email }}” registry=“” reauthorize=“yes”


it looks like ansible instead of picking up “raw” contents of the file auto-converts it into structure as soon as it notices JSON so I have to “un-convert” it with to_json, however as soon as I do that it seems like escaping/quoting goes out the window and I am unable to get login to work as expected. Using the same gcp_sa_account.json I can login just find using

docker login -e -u _json_key -p "$(cat gcp_sa_account.json)"

I looked online and couldn’t find any samples of people using it. is it just not meant to be functional with GCR?

Hi Dmitry,

Almost a year after you, I’ve the same problem. I guess you fixed your problem another way, but for anyone that is currently in the same situation, I found a trick to not let the lookup interpret your json …

By digging on this forum :!topic/ansible-devel/2C7pl2_kxlY
They suggests to put a space between your double quote and the accolades :
gcloud_token: " {{lookup(‘file’, gcloud_token_file)}}"

And it’s working fine with gcr … No need for your filters like to_json and quote.
I hope it will help others :slight_smile:

That is a neat trick :slight_smile: will try it next time I’m around GCP project.

Thanks Julien!

This really saved me. Thank you!

For others, an example:

- name: Log into private registry and force re-authorization
  become: true
    registry: "{{ docker_repo_hostname }}"
    username: "{{ docker_repo_user }}"
    password: " {{ lookup('file', 'gcr-user.json') }}"
    reauthorize: yes