Trying to dynamically load var files

I’m not seeing a clear way on how to do this in the docs, and maybe there is some other way to go about it. Basically I want to load up data about multiple applications to use in a template. I tried using include_vars, but I’m not seeing how to dynamically load that. I currently have this structure:


first, don’t put anything under group_vars/host_vars that you want to selectively load, these files will load automatically if matched. Using include_vars against group/host_vars is not recommended.

2nd the easiest way is putting them in a vars/ folder adjacent to play (or in role) and use include_vars:

  • include_vars: “{{item}}.yml”
    with_items: “{{apps}}”

if what you want it to load both files with last one overriding previous ones when the same vars are in multiple files.

That’s what I needed, thanks!!