(Eric Chang)
I have dozens of yaml files , and I want to use these yaml files as vars in playbook.
so I try to dynamic load vars like
aaa.yaml , bbb.yaml,ccc.yaml
name: get all yaml files name
shell: find /home/yaml -name *.yamlawk -F “/” ‘{print $6}’|awk -F “.” ‘{print $1}’
register: yaml_files
name: load omdata
name: “{{ item }}”
file: “/home/yaml/{{ item }}.yml”
with_items: “{{ yam_files.stdout_lines }}”
register: “{{ item }}”
due to these 2 tasks , I should able to get many vars like
aaa: { ‘name’: AAA , id=‘111’ }
bbb: { ‘name’: BBB , id=‘222’ }
with debug , I can confirm those vars are been loaded.
- name: debug yaml_files
var: “{{ item }}”
with_items: “{{ yaml_files.stdout_lines }}”
and now , how could I get the vaule in those var files ?
I try to do so by
- name: create yaml_file
shell: echo “{{ item }}.name”|tee -a /tmp/tmp.txt
with_items: “{{ yaml_files.stdout_lines }}”
I though “{{ item }}.name” will get which is AAA
but instead , I get “” in tmp.txt
any suggestions will be appreciated , thanks !
(Stefan Hornburg)
I have dozens of yaml files , and I want to use these yaml files as vars in playbook.
so I try to dynamic load vars like
aaa.yaml , bbb.yaml,ccc.yaml
- name: get all yaml files name
shell: find /home/yaml -name *.yamlawk -F "/" '{print $6}'|awk -F "." '{print $1}'
register: yaml_files
- name: load omdata
name: "{{ item }}"
file: "/home/yaml/{{ item }}.yml"
with_items: "{{ yam_files.stdout_lines
register: "{{ item }}"
due to these 2 tasks , I should able to get many vars like
aaa: { 'name': AAA , id='111' }
bbb: { 'name': BBB , id='222' }
with debug , I can confirm those vars are been loaded.
- name: debug yaml_files
var: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ yaml_files.stdout_lines }}"
and now , how could I get the vaule in those var files ?
I try to do so by
- name: create yaml_file
shell: echo "{{ item }}.name"|tee -a /tmp/tmp.txt
with_items: "{{ yaml_files.stdout_lines }}"
I though "{{ item }}.name" will get which is AAA
but instead , I get "" in tmp.txt
any suggestions will be appreciated , thanks !
Try "{{ vars[item]['name'] }}". Only variables inside the double curly braces are evaluated.
(Eric Chang)
thanks ! it’s working now !
Stefan Hornburg (Racke)於 2020年2月14日星期五 UTC+8下午6時08分30秒寫道: