Trying to Clone Git Repo But Not Sure How to Handle RSA Keys

Ok, so I’m somewhat new to running Vagrant. But I’m getting better. I’ve been using Ansible as my provisioner of choice. What I would like to do now is create a task that will run a git clone of a hosted repo. It’s not github though. It’s a little different. And I can’t seem to figure out how to handle doing this.

If I was doing it manually I would run…
git clone ssh:// burris-optics

And then I would get…

The authenticity of host ‘[]:2222 ([2234:4341:7234:2:be32:4cdd:fd10:792]:2222)’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is c5:fa:33:cb:7g:2b:0d:33:c2:13:27:22:ea:70:c1:a5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

I would type yes and then my password, and then i would get a clone of my repo.

I just can’t quite figure out how to do this with Ansible. I tried something like below, but I clearly need to do more.

  • name: Clone Pantheon repo
    git: repo=ssh:// accept_hostkey=yes force=yes dest=/var/www version=master

I even tried adding this before it…

  • name: ensure pantheon is a known host
    action: sshknownhosts state=present port=2222

I think I’m pretty lost. If anyone can help straighten me out, I would appreciate it.

The host key is likely not your problem—having to enter a password is. Ansible expects to be able to clone repos unattended. Does your host let you add an SSH public key that you can use to authenticate?

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Kevin R. Bullock