Ok, so I’m somewhat new to running Vagrant. But I’m getting better. I’ve been using Ansible as my provisioner of choice. What I would like to do now is create a task that will run a git clone of a hosted repo. It’s not github though. It’s a little different. And I can’t seem to figure out how to handle doing this.
If I was doing it manually I would run…
git clone ssh://something.dev.234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1@something.dev.234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1.drush.in:2222/~/repository.git burris-optics
And then I would get…
The authenticity of host ‘[codeserver.dev. 234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1.drush.in]:2222 ([2234:4341:7234:2:be32:4cdd:fd10:792]:2222)’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is c5:fa:33:cb:7g:2b:0d:33:c2:13:27:22:ea:70:c1:a5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
I would type yes and then my password, and then i would get a clone of my repo.
I just can’t quite figure out how to do this with Ansible. I tried something like below, but I clearly need to do more.
- name: Clone Pantheon repo
git: repo=ssh://something.dev.234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1@something.dev.234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1.drush.in:2222/~/repository.git accept_hostkey=yes force=yes dest=/var/www version=master
I even tried adding this before it…
- name: ensure pantheon is a known host
action: sshknownhosts host=something.dev.234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1@something.dev.234w31d6b-34fd-4a21-2b35-92346de84a7d1.drush.in state=present port=2222
I think I’m pretty lost. If anyone can help straighten me out, I would appreciate it.