Trying run playbook on fortigate firewalls, getting api error

Hi Experts,

i am new to anisble, i am trying to run playbook against fortigate firewall to get the list of policies which are having zero hits.

ansible - 2.17.1
python 2.11.9

Below mentioned are my host file and playbook, when i run it i am getting error
fatal: [FW1]: FAILED! => {“msg”: “unable to load API plugin for platform type fortinet.fortios”}

FW1 ansible_host= ansible_user=“test” ansible_password=“Aa123123”

  • hosts: FW1
    connection: httpapi
    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: yes
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no
    ansible_network_os: fortinet.fortios

    • name: Get all firewall policies
      vdom: “root”
      state: “gathered”
      register: policies

    • name: Print policies with zero hits
      msg: “Policy ID: {{ item.policyid }} has zero hits”
      loop: “{{ policies[‘ansible_facts’] [‘fortios_firewall_policy’] }}”
      when: item.hit_count == 0