Trouble using with_items and when: stdout == 0


I'm trying to do two simple things:
- check if a user is present in sshd_config AllowUsers
- if not, add the user to the AllowUsers line

Sounds simple enough yet my Ansible foo is still lacking severly. The problem is that the last task is always skipped.


   - testuser
   - patrick


- name: Check if build user is in ssh AllowUsers
   shell: grep -i -m1 -c {{ item }} /etc/ssh/sshd_config
   with_items: allowusers
   ignore_errors: True
   register: check_allowusers

- debug: var=check_allowusers

- name: Add user to AllowUsers
   shell: "sed -i 's|^AllowUsers |AllowUsers {{ item }} |' /etc/ssh/sshd_config"
   with_items: check_allowusers.results
   when: item.stdout == 0

Here is the output from debug: var=check_allowusers:

TASK: [builder | debug var=check_allowusers] ****
ok: [test.local] => {
     "check_allowusers": {
         "changed": true,
         "failed": true,
         "msg": "One or more items failed.",
         "results": [
                 "changed": true,
                 "cmd": "grep -i -m1 -c testuser /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
                 "delta": "0:00:00.005375",
                 "end": "2014-09-13 20:03:37.564863",
                 "invocation": {
                     "module_args": "grep -i -m1 -c testuser /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
                     "module_name": "shell"
                 "item": "testuser",
                 "rc": 1,
                 "start": "2014-09-13 20:03:37.559488",
                 "stderr": "",
                 "stdout": "0"
                 "changed": true,
                 "cmd": "grep -i -m1 -c patrick /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
                 "delta": "0:00:01.005767",
                 "end": "2014-09-13 20:03:38.671370",
                 "invocation": {
                     "module_args": "grep -i -m1 -c patrick /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
                     "module_name": "shell"
                 "item": "patrick",
                 "rc": 0,
                 "start": "2014-09-13 20:03:37.665603",
                 "stderr": "",
                 "stdout": "1"

If there isn't a better best practice way to do this then how do I make this work?


The stdout in one case is “0” and another is “1” so this seems to be working as designed.

As such, I think this would be the way your system is setup (aka it works correctly) or your grep needs modification.

Ansible appears to be doing what you want.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your feedback.

The stdout in one case is "0" and another is "1" so this seems to be
working as designed.

As such, I think this would be the way your system is setup (aka it
works correctly) or your grep needs modification.

Ansible *appears* to be doing what you want.

Tried more stuff and got a useful error. It appears that Ansible does not pass in the *name* from the 'allowuser' list as item in the sed command but instead throws in *all* the 'results' text:

"cmd": "sed -i 's|^AllowUsers |AllowUsers {u'changed': True, ...

Obviously that will make sed fail. So what do I need to change to make it use just the name from the 'allowuser' list?

Full error:

TASK: [builder | builder | Add user to AllowUsers]

Yeah you will have to do “item.something” to not get the full hash result, like item.rc or item.stdout or item.cmd, as appropriate…

Thanks Michael. That put me on the right track. Here's what gave the expected results:

- name: builder | Add user to AllowUsers
   shell: "sed -i 's|^AllowUsers |AllowUsers {{ item.item }} |' /etc/ssh/sshd_config"
   with_items: check_allowusers.results
   when: item.stdout == "0"
   notify: restart sshd
