become_user and with_items

Hi all,

I am trying to peform a series of tasks using with_items at task level.

I would like to see the tasks executed using different sudo users, so that I define at task level “become_user”.

As an example, this is my setup:



  • name: ubuntu
  • name: vagrant


  • debug: msg=“{{item}}”
    become_user: “{{ }}”
    with_items: user_info

  • name: test
    become_user: “{{ }}”
    become: yes
    command: mkdir ~/testdir
    when: item.get(‘state’, ‘present’) == ‘present’
    with_items: user_info


  • name: Deploy Common Configuration

hosts: deploy

gather_facts: false


  • { role: test }

Unfortunately, this does not work.

The debug task receive correctly the two items of the user_info variable :

ok: [fisher] => (item={u’name’: u’ubuntu’}) => {

“item”: {

“name”: “ubuntu”


“msg”: {

“name”: “ubuntu”



ok: [fisher] => (item={u’name’: u’vagrant’}) => {

“item”: {

“name”: “vagrant”


“msg”: {

“name”: “vagrant”



But unfortunately, the task “test” is run two times using only the first item as become_user

failed: [fisher] => (item={u’name’: u’ubuntu’}) => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: [“mkdir”, “~/testdir”], “delta”: “0:00:00.002188”, “end”: “2015-08-25 15:14:26.175761”, “failed”: true, “item”: {“name”: “ubuntu”}, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2015-08-25 15:14:26.173573”, “stderr”: "mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/ubuntu/testdir’: File exists", “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: , “warnings”: [“Consider using file module with state=directory rather than running mkdir”]}

[WARNING]: Consider using file module with state=directory rather than running mkdir

failed: [fisher] => (item={u’name’: u’vagrant’}) => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: [“mkdir”, “~/testdir”], “delta”: “0:00:00.002270”, “end”: “2015-08-25 15:14:26.436281”, “failed”: true, “item”: {“name”: “vagrant”}, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2015-08-25 15:14:26.434011”, “stderr”: "mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/ubuntu/testdir’: File exists", “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: , “warnings”: [“Consider using file module with state=directory rather than running mkdir”]}

Is it normal behaviour ?

I a currently running on Ansible 2.0 devel version… commit:

run with -vvvv, i suspect the become_user is happening correctly but
that you have sudo conserving $HOME and both are trying to create the
same dir.