Ubuntu 14.04.2
TASK: [preflight | Preflight check - Verify yum is recent enough on OL6] ******
fatal: [localhost] => error while evaluating conditional: ansible_distribution == ‘OracleLinux’ and ansible_distribution_major_version == ‘6’ and (yum_version.stdout is not defined or yum_version.stdout | version_compare(‘’, ‘<’))
FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting
As I understand, it should not be supposed Ubuntu have yum installed at all.
Hi Vasily,
did you find the solution for the below error ? Please let me know beacuse i am also facing the same issue.
Same problem here for me. Even installed yum on a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04.5 and verified yum version was 3.4.3.
Ubuntu requires some special attention. The answer isn’t to install yum on your poor Ubuntu machine, but instead to make sure the install script is aware that you’re installing on Ubuntu instead of RedHat.
Remember Tower was mainly intended to run on RedHat systems, so the Ubuntu support isn’t the highest priority. If you keep at it, though, you should be able to get it to install cleanly with no need for yum.