Ansible / tower setup - problems

I’m just starting to experiment and learn about ansible and I’ve hit a problem that I hope someone can advise me on.

I’ve install the lastest ansible 1.9 into a test vm (CentOS 6.x) and would like now like to install ansible tower but I’m getting an error message saying ansible is too old (even though its the latest).

Any thoughts?

[root@bk-lon-ansible01 ansible-tower-setup-2.1.0]# ansible --version
ansible 1.9 (devel 171a67cfef) last updated 2015/01/29 11:30:21 (GMT -500)
lib/ansible/modules/core: (detached HEAD 256ce9dd4d) last updated 2015/01/29 10:42:18 (GMT -500)
lib/ansible/modules/extras: (detached HEAD 21126a4af3) last updated 2015/01/29 10:42:22 (GMT -500)
v2/ansible/modules/core: (detached HEAD 256ce9dd4d) last updated 2015/01/29 10:42:32 (GMT -500)
v2/ansible/modules/extras: (detached HEAD 21126a4af3) last updated 2015/01/29 10:42:37 (GMT -500)
configured module search path = None
[root@bk-lon-ansible01 ansible-tower-setup-2.1.0]# ./configure
Ansible is installed on this machine, but is too old (version -500)).
Ansible Tower setup requires at least Ansible 1.7. Please upgrade.

For guidance on installing Ansible, consult

[root@bk-lon-ansible01 ansible-tower-setup-2.1.0]#

for tower questions email

In case anyone sees this and wants an actual answer, the problem is that the ‘sanity check’ in the configure script that does a version check looks for the -1 index of the first line of the stdout of ansible --version, and when you run from source, instead of that line being ‘ansible 1.9’, it’s something like ‘ansible 1.9 (devel a5ac9aafad) last updated 2015/02/27 17:11:18 (GMT -500)’, and so it thinks -500 is the version number. Instead of it looking for the last item, it should look for the 2nd (index 1). Try this:

Look for this line in ‘configure’:

version_str = version_check.strip().split(‘\n’)[0].split(’ ')[-1]

and change the -1 at the end to 1 and you should be good to go.


Thank you Sean, your suggestion worked for me and saved me time. Cheers.

Just as a follow up here, we don’t recommend running the very latest devel Ansible with Tower–we’d suggest sticking to the officially-released versions. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t work, but you may run into issues that our test matrix doesn’t catch.

If you’re just looking for new or updated modules, though, there’s a very easy way to use those new modules from devel on your regular installation:

Take care,
