Tower_cli.cfg is not applied

I am testing controller_api module on a playbook.
example playbook

- name: debug all organizations in a loop  # use query to return a list
    msg: "Organization description={{ item['description'] }} id={{ item['id'] }}"
  loop: "{{ query('awx.awx.controller_api', 'organizations') }}"
    label: "{{ item['name'] }}"

and I config tower_cli.cfg with following.

host= xxx
username =xxx
oauth_token = xxx
verity_ssl = false

and I put the file on my ~/project/playbooks/tower_cli.cfg
playbook runs on localhost with error
“trying to connect to URLError <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>”
I expect to lookup on host from tower_cli.cfg.

please help me to understand for controller_api